Current Phonebanking Opportunities

Scroll down for phone banking tips and to learn about our candidates!

Join A Virtual Phonebanking Event:  

Dates and times coming soon.

Each virtual phonebank includes training for new and returning phonebankers. We share successes and answer questions throughout. You can stay muted and connected the whole time, or disconnect and join us when we break. Come one, come all!

What You Need To Make Calls

To Begin, Get to Know our Candidates:

Knowing a bit about the candidates and/or having their website and dossier easily accessible will make your life easier as you make calls and voters have questions! We suggest choosing a couple of key issues to learn about and highlight.

Pennsylvania Calendar

Other Useful Information and Resources

Need Help Logging Into Your ActionID Account?

Sister District Project uses OpenVPB, an interactive phonebanking system. Before making calls or joining a virtual phonebanking session, you'll need to set up your ActionID account. If you've made calls with other organizations, you may already have an account.